Difference between Multiprogramming and Multitasking


Difference between Multiprogramming and Multitasking
Difference between Multiprogramming and Multitasking

The operating system is a crucial part of the software that manages the hardware and other software applications on the computer. It can be thought of as an intermediary. The CPU and user cannot communicate directly; neither can the user give directives to the CPU in machine language. Because of this, all communication and translation between the user and the CPU needs to happen through an intermediary.

The operating system can handle multiprogramming and multitasking in addition to basic operations like tracking data and files, showing output on the screen, and controlling peripheral devices.

What is Multiprogramming?

Multiprogramming is the simultaneous use of many programs in the main memory. Jobs are arranged by multiprogramming to maximize CPU utilization. The way the jobs are arranged ensures that the CPU has work to do at all times. Multiple tasks are maintained in the main memory during multiprogramming. The operating system can run many applications on a single CPU unit thanks to the idea of multiprogramming.

There are always other jobs waiting to use the CPU when one program must wait for I/O units to become available. This allows the CPU to be shared concurrently by several jobs. Nevertheless, multiprogramming does not imply that the tasks would be carried out in tandem. As a result, multiprogramming prioritizes tasks, lowers reaction times, and enhances CPU utilization.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multiprogramming

The benefits and drawbacks of multiprogramming are numerous. Here are a few of them:


  • It offers a high percentage of CPU usage.
  • It responds more quickly.
  • It is able to give the jobs priority.


  • It is difficult to schedule its installation.
  • It needed additional oversight.

What is Multitasking?

The idea of multitasking involves using your CPU to work on multiple tasks at once. Each task in the multitasking idea has a set amount of time allotted to it. A time slice is this allotted period of time. The CPU is then moved to another job that is waiting in line after using the time slice for one job. Because it shares shared resources like CPU and memory to run several programs in the system, multitasking is preventive. You can do multiple tasks at once by using multitasking in this way. Operating systems multitasking is a sophisticated idea that operates on time slices. One frequent example of multitasking is using a web browser to browse the internet while simultaneously using a music player. Check out this Scaler Topics essay on the Multitasking Operating System for a comprehensive knowledge of multitasking.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Multitasking

Multitasking has a range of benefits and drawbacks. Here are a few of them:


  • It offers parallelism that makes sense.
  • It offers a quicker reaction time.
  • It offers CPU use.


  • It could not be run on a CPU with low speed.
  • To accomplish the task, a significant amount of storage memory is required.

Main Differences between the multiprogramming and multitasking

The primary distinctions between multitasking and multiprogramming are as follows. Here are a few of them:

  1. The main purpose of multiprogramming is to arrange applications so that there is always only one program running in order to maximize CPU utilization. Conversely, multitasking distributes computing resources among multiple users in an effort to improve response time.
  2. The main goal of multiprogramming is to utilize more CPU power. The way the programs are arranged prevents the CPU from ever being idle; instead, it always runs one program after another. However, multitasking aims to speed up CPU response time.
  3. Context switching, a common practice that enables the CPU to switch between processes while utilizing a single processor system, is the foundation of multiprogramming. An active process's state is maintained by the Process Control Block (PCB) so that the CPU can pick up where it left off. However, time-sharing is the foundation of multitasking, which finishes tasks in the same amount of time for every process or activity.
  4. Despite having differing functions, both names are commonly used in modern operating systems and have nearly identical meanings. In order to reduce CPU idle time, multiprogramming mostly depends on a computer's capacity to store programs for an extended amount of time. The process allocation is done via the scheduling method. The operating system executes parts of one program at a time, then another program at a time, and so on. However, with a multitasking operating system, the CPU allows multiple processes to run simultaneously through time-sharing and performs their tasks correctly.
  5. While multitasking takes the least amount of time to complete any work, multiprogramming takes the longest.
  6. It is not necessary to have a large quantity of RAM or ROM memory to perform multiprogramming on a computer. In contrast, multitasking requires a massive quantity of memory storage in order to finish all tasks or processes at once.


The idea of an operating system where multiple programs are running simultaneously in the computer's main memory is known as multiprogramming.
The idea of running multiple tasks concurrently on your system's CPU is known as multitasking. Every task in it has a set period allotted to it, and the CPU doesn't stop switching between them beyond that predetermined time.The set amount of time that a job is running on the CPU is called a time slice.There are two types for multitasking: single user and multi-user.
While there is only one CPU engaged in multiprogramming, the multitasking operating system may use one or more CPUs during multitasking.
The signal that is sent by hardware or software when a process has to be attended to right away is known as an interrupt. An warning is generated for the processor and the current process is interrupted when a high-priority job is in waiting.
Context switching refers to an operating system procedure wherein a process's context, or state, is temporarily stored in order to be retrieved when the task at hand requires it again. The multitasking operating system has this functionality, which permits several tasks to share a single CPU.

Difference between multiprogramming and multitasking?

Multiprogramming: Multiprogramming is the simultaneous execution of numerous programs on a single device. Multitasking is the process of processing several tasks with the usage of a single resource.

Difference between multiprogramming and multitasking and multiprocessing?

Several programs run simultaneously on a single device when multiprogramming is used. When multitasking, several tasks are processed using a single resource. Multitasking is expanded upon by multithreading. A single device uses numerous processing units when it is multiprocessing.

What is the difference between multitasking and multiuser?

A single user can accomplish numerous activities at once through multitasking, while multiple users can access and use a system at the same time through multiuser systems.

What is an example of a multi-processing operating system?

Increasing the system's execution speed is the primary goal of the multi-processing operating system. The system performs better overall when an operating system with several processors is used. As an illustration, the most popular multi-processing operating systems are UNIX, LINUX, and Solaris.