Different Types of Database | DBMS

Types of Databases

1. Centralized Database

This kind of database uses a centralized database system to store data. The ability to retrieve stored data across several applications and from various locations is comforting to users. The authentication procedure is included in these programs to enable users to safely access data. A central library that houses a central database for every college or university library is an example of a centralized database.

Advantages of Centralized Database

  • As a result, there is now less chance that data management errors would compromise essential information.
  • It manages data in a central repository, ensuring data consistency.
  • It offers improved data quality, making it possible for businesses to set data standards.
  • As fewer providers are needed to manage the data sets, the cost is lower.

The Disadvantages of Centralized Database

Centralized database is enormous, which causes a delay in the response time while retrieving data.
Updating such a large database system is not simple.
In the event of a server failure, all data will be destroyed, perhaps resulting in a significant loss.

Distributed Database

In distributed systems, as opposed to centralized database systems, data is dispersed over several database systems within an organization. These database systems have communication linkages between them. End users can access the data more easily thanks to these connections. A few instances of distributed databases are HBase, Ignite, and Apache Cassandra.

A distributed database system can be further separated into:

Database Types

Database systems that run on the same operating system, employ the same application process, and have the same hardware components are known as homogeneous DDBs.
Database systems that run on several operating systems, with various application protocols, and with various hardware configurations are referred to as heterogeneous DDBs.

Advantages of Distributed Database

  • In a distributed database, expansion of the system is achievable by the addition of new computers and their integration into the distributed system through modular development.
  • The complete data collection will not be impacted by a single server failure.

3) Relational Database

The relational data model, on which this database is built, stores data as rows (tuples) and columns (attributes), which combine to form tables (relations). Relational databases store, process, and maintain data using SQL. In 1970, E.F. Codd created the database. Every database table has a key that distinguishes its contents from those of other tables. Relational databases include MySQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and others.

Properties Relational Database

The relational model known as ACID properties has the following four widely recognized qualities, where:

An approach Atomicity: This guarantees that the data operation will finish successfully or unsuccessfully. It adheres to the "all or nothing" philosophy. For instance, a transaction will either proceed or not.

Consistency, or C, states that the data's value should be maintained both before and after any operations are made to it. For instance, the account balance ought to be conserved both before and after the transaction, meaning it ought to be accurate.

Isolation is the ability for several users to view database data simultaneously. As a result, the data should continue to be isolated. For instance, when several transactions take place

D stands for Durability, which guarantees that data modifications should be permanent after the process is finished and the data is committed.

4) NoSQL Database

Not Only/Non-SQL A variety of data sets can be stored in databases with the SQL database type. Since it maintains data in other formats in addition to tabular form, it is not a relational database. It was created as the need to develop contemporary applications grew. [Many database technologies were available with NoSQL to meet the demands.]In order to meet the demands, NoSQL offered a wide range of database technologies. A NoSQL database can be further separated into the following four categories:

The most basic kind of database storage is called key-value storage, in which each item is stored as a key (or attribute name) that holds its value collectively.
Databases that store data as documents that resemble JSON are known as document-oriented databases. By employing the same document-model format as the application code, it aids developers in storing data.
Graph databases are used to store enormous volumes of data in a structure resembling a graph. Social networking websites typically make use of the graph database.
broad-column stores: It resembles the information stored in relational databases. Instead of being saved in rows, the data is kept in huge columns together in this instance.

Advantages of NoSQL databases

  • It makes application development more productive because organized data storage is not necessary.
  • It is a superior choice when it comes to handling and managing big data sets.
  • It has a great capacity for scaling.
  • Key-value retrieval allows users to obtain database data rapidly.

5) Cloud Database

A kind of database where information is run on a cloud computing platform and kept in a virtual environment. It gives customers access to the database using a variety of cloud computing services (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.). Many cloud systems exist, however the following are the top choices:
Google Cloud SQL,
Amazon Web Services(AWS)
Microsoft Azure

6) Object-oriented Database

The objects used to represent and store the data are related to those found in object-oriented programming languages. Similar to the objects used in object-oriented programming languages, the data is represented and saved as objects.

7) Hierarchial Database

Information is stored in this type of database as nodes that depict parent-child connections. Here, the data is arranged in a form like a tree.
Records that are linked together are used to store data. In the tree, there will only be one parent record for each child. Conversely, a parent record can have more than one child record.

8) Network Database

The network data model is usually followed by the database. In this case, the data is represented as a network of nodes connected by links. In contrast to the hierarchical database, it allows each record to have several children and parent nodes in order to create a generic graph structure.

9) Personal Database

An individual's system's data collection and storage constitute a personal database. This database is designed primarily for one user.

Advantages of Personal Database

  • It is straightforward and manageable.
  • It requires minimal storage space because it is compact in size.

10) Operational Database

The kind of database that is created and updated instantly. Its primary purpose is to manage and carry out the routine data activities in various enterprises. For instance, an organization manages daily transactions using operational databases.

11) Enterprise Database

Large companies and organizations utilize this database to handle massive amounts of data. It facilitates the growth and enhancement of an organization's efficiency. Users can access a database like this at the same time.

Advantages of Enterprise Database:

  • Supports many processes.
  • It provides for the execution of concurrent queries on the system.